Welcome to our Virtual Designer Shop Hop! The word is to stay at home so why not just stay at home and hop with us!?!
These are extraordinary times we are living through and I’m sure we’re all in such different places and all managing the stress differently. Are you ready for a break from the constant “breaking news”? Then, take some time each day to make some new sewing friends & discover some websites and designers you may not have met before.
My favorite part of the quilt industry is the people–there are so many kind, wonderful souls in this business who share their talents and their time and always look for ways to help each other out. And since most in the quilt industry are small business owners, they are definitely feeling the pain of many cancellations and restrictions.
So for these next ten days, I want to take an opportunity to introduce to you to some of my favorite quilting colleagues and friends.
Some are old friends, some are new names you may not have encountered before. We’re all here ready to help each other out, lift some spirits and share fun and perhaps a pattern or something else that is just perfect for a project you’ve been dreaming about.
I have over forty websites to share with you but let’s start with these ten first…I’ll be back in touch with you within a few days to share more! Now go forth and explore and have fun! You never know what you might discover!!
Click the link to take you to that designer’s shop!
I’ll be back early next week with a new group of folks to meet.
Stay safe and stay well, my friends.