Welcome to another stop on Quiltmaker’s 100 Blocks Road Rally Blog Tour.
If you’re looking for original blocks in a variety of styles, pick up this magazine!
I still get a thrill when I see my name in print & I’m honored to be part of the designer line up for Volume 16. There are so many amazing, original blocks in this issue–I know you’ll find lots of inspiration.
When I sat down to design a block for the issue, I started with a blank canvas in Electric Quilt. I wanted to truly start from scratch in finding a way to showcase the In the Flow print from my A Shout, a whisper, a Text fabric line. Knowing that I had to work within the 12″ block guidelines, I started by dividing the block into 4 parts, leaving the center open.
I also knew I wanted to use this triangle unit in the block so then it was just a matter of playing with how to position the pieces.
After playing with lots of options, I discovered how placing color in an unexpected way in the patches would totally create a block that put the focus on the center of the block where I could place my favorite fabric. So here’s my block, Fancy Frames:
I always love to create blocks that result in additional, secondary designs when the block is set side-by-side and Fancy Frames has that feature. Here’s what the block would look like in a quilt:
I have a new fabric line coming in February so I had to see how it worked in this block too:
You can pre-order Bring on the Bubbly for delivery in February, 2018 here.
For this edition of the Road Rally blog hop, I’m part of the Souvenir Hunt. Be sure to go to Quilty Pleasures for info about the hunt. There’s a chance to win some awesome prizes!
My prompt for the hunt is: If you awoke one day as a flower, what flower would you choose to be?
Anyone that has known me over the years knows of my long-term love affair with Calla lilies. I chose that flower for my bridal bouquet & bridesmaids’ flowers years ago. My family has sought out Calla Lilies for me for special occasions. This summer when we were in California planning my daughter’s wedding, we walked to get coffee every morning and one day we discovered a house along the path with a whole garden of lilies. I just may have to take up gardening so I can cultivate my own bouquets. Here’s a pic of one of the luscious blooms in that garden:
I’m giving away a copy of Volume 16 of Quiltmaker’s 100 Blocks along with 4 fat quarters from my Shout fabric line so you can get started on your own project from the magazine. To enter, comment on this post & let me know what your favorite flower is.
Comment up at the top!

My favorite is the sunflower.
I love your block! It is so hard to pick my favorite flower but I think roses are at or near the top of my list. They take a lot of time and patience here in eastern PA with our crazy weather. But for three weeks in June, the local rose gardens are glorious.
Congratulations on having your block included in Quiltmaker’s 100, Vol. 16! What a lovely block . This would make a great block for fussy cutting as well. If i was a flower i’d be a Fireweed . I grew up in Alaska and love this plant.
Super Giveaway! Thanks for a chance to play.
usairdoll (at) gmail (dot) com
Love the fabrics in your block. Picking just one flower will be tough. I love the blue russian irises that grow in our yard – if only they lasted longer!
I love Your block. Thank for the giveaway
I love daisies and zinnias. Splashes of vibrant colors waving in the wind!
I love your block and I can’t wait for the new 100 12″ blocks
I love daffodils. Thanks for sharing your new block
My favorite flower is lilly of the valley.
One of my favorite flowers is the sunflower. They grow wild here on our land.
I like Japanese lilies. They are a deep purply red and bloom mid-summer. sjvonfumetti at yahoo dot com
I think my favorite flower is the Hibiscus, big, colorful and gorgeous.
I love johnny Jump=ups!
Congratulations! I really love your block.
My favorite flower is the Yellow Rose. Thank you for the giveaway.
My favorite flower is the ladyslipper, especially the pink ones.
That Calla lily is beautiful, reminds me of a Georgia O’Keefe painting. My favorite would be hibiscus.
Very pretty! Thanks for sharing and the giveaways!! I love calla lilies also, but roses are my favorite.
Your block is my favorite today. It’s Chunky and Funky and perfect for the man in my life. As the daughter of a florist, it’s hard to pick a favorite flower. Lilacs, and freesia share the top of the list with heirloom roses and bearded irises. Oh, the gorgeous smells!
I love you block, thank you for the giveaway. My favorite is the white rose, which every bush I planted stating they were white. have either been pink or red.
That’s a great block. My favourite flower would be the lilac. I have 10 different species and colours in my yard so I must love them. 🙂
My favorite flower is Dahlia. Cool block! Thanks for sharing! angielovesgary2 atgmail dotcom
What a great block! I love daylilies!
primroses are my favorite, and they grow well for me
My favorite Flower is very TRADITIONAL the white ROSE
My favorite flower is forget me not. It is such a tiny flower, but yet so beautiful!
I really like carnations! I tried growing calla lilies once, but didn’t have much luck.
I would be a cleome! It blooms all summer and reseeds itself to come back every summer! congrats on your block and being in the treasure hunt too! Its a beauty!
I love MOrning Glories!
Your block looks like a flower to me. Very pretty 🙂
I would be a Cone Flower, I love those 🙂
Thanks for the giveaways!
Hm, the RaffleCopter doesn’t seem to be working for me, is there a trick? lol
Our honeysuckle has been beautiful this summer. But I also love bee balm. Love its fragrance when you touch the leaves.
My favorite flowers are roses because they bring wonderful memories of my grandmothers.
Very pretty block. I like seeing how the block will look set in a quilt. Thanks for showing multiple blocks. My favorite flower is the peony.
My favorite flower used to be petunias, but this year I discovered gazanias. They are absolutely beautiful and are now my favorite! Thanks!
My favorite flower is an iris. They remind me of my grandmother’s garden at easter time.
My favorite is purple wisteria
I love roses, especially the peace rose.
My favorite flowers are day lilies and other lilies like them, especially in pinks.
I agree that the calla lily is beautiful. I don’t know that i have a favorite, but i do love roses. I especially love heirloom roses, but we now live in Alabama and they don’t do well here.
Thanks for sharing how you designed yOur block. Sunflowers and pansy’s are some of my favorite flowers.
The Wild Rose that grows in our sand hills is my favorite flower.
DEFINITEly primroses!!
Love the fabrics you chose for your block-very nice! Daisies, I was married with a bouquet of daisies, they have always been and still are my favorite flowers! Thank you, Susan
I like your block. PErfect for fussy cuts! My favorite flower is the rose!
What a pretty block! in 1943 my husband’s parents were married and she had a great big bouquet of Calla Lilies that I can still look at in their wedding portrait. What a pretty flower! But I have to admit that I really love begonias and always look forward to spring when I can replant the bulbs and see those delightful flowers again.
I love Gerbera daisies. i’ve grown them sometimes but get frustrated when the deer eat them just after the blooms open. which they do regularly.
I would become a Iris. the beauty of life does not always last long but the leaves stay green. and continue the color of life.
Roses are my favorite flower. I’m a terrible vegetable gardener, but I love tending to my rose garden, probably because it reminds me of my mother. And if she were here, she’d tell me that if I put the same amount of effort into my vegetables that I put into my roses, my veggies would do well, too. 😉
Great designs for your new Shout line. I’d love to win some FQs. Thanks for sharing!
My favorite are roses, with plumaria coming in second. Love the smell of both!
Sunflowers are my favorite.
My favorite flower is yellow cone flower. Love your block, Thanks for sharing!!
My favorite perennial flower is tulips. i planted a tulip garden with at least 30 varieties of tulips. my favorite annual flower is marigolds. I love the smell and bursts of color.
tushay3 (at) yahoo (dot) com
Coneflowers are my favorite flower.
GardeNias are my favorite flower. Your block is pretty!
I like sunflowers.
I love lilacs in the spring time.
I love purple coneflowers, but sometimes i get mixed up and call them pinecones 🙂
My favorite flower is the Hydrangea. I have several bushes in my yard and all of them are different. Wish I had room for more. like your block. It almost looks like a flower.
My favorite flower are tulips
I have two favorite flowers – chrysanthemums and geraniums (both ivy geraniums and perennial geraniums).
What an interesting block! My favorite flower is the rose.
Your block is awesome! My favorite flower is mini carnations!
Southern gardenias are my favorite. Fun block – thanks for sharing your design process.
My favorite flower is dahlias. I love the variety.
My favorite flower is the daffodil.
my favorite flower is ….. peony or lilac thanks for the chance to win… love your block
I love all flowers but think nasturtiums are my favorite. I like your block and appreciate your explanation of how you designed it. Thank you.
My favorite flower is also the calla lily (thought I was the only one).
I lovE blackeyed Susans.
I love lilacs.
Love the block! So pretty!
My fav flower is a Ranunculus. Lots of soft layers, so romantic!
I see gems and jewels and flowers in your block. My favoRite flowers are carnations and gardenias. Congrats!
My favorite flower s are hydrangeas. Great block for showcasing a favorite fabric.
I love this block. Great job, and congrats on the fabric line.
Calla lilies are lovely but my favorite is the daisy. your blog is lovely too – sew versatile.
I love hydrangeas the best.
I love the colours in your blocks. My favourite flower would be a daffodil
I love hibiscus. I am currently trying to make mine live thru the winter in my basement.
Nice block…it could make a beautiful scrap quilt.
I, too, love calla lilies – they have such a simple and beautiful line — they are really quite elegant.
I like the Peruvian Lily.
My grandmother loved the calla lily and gave me some of her rootstock. I had them up until the flood last year in August that destroyed my house and all my stuff. They couldn’t take the chemicals in the water.
Roses just like my grandmother!
My favorite flower is the rose. The peace rose is my favorite Rose. I also like Sweet Williams. You’re a block is wonderful! Thank you for the giveaway.
I have a huge love for peonies! oh the aroma!
I agree; calla lilies are so beautiful! Sunflowers are my FAVORITE. The chickadees, goldfinches and other birds love my sunflowers, too..
I love the Rose of sharon. I know it’s not a flower that you sit on your table, but we’ve had a line of them that have struggled for the past two years and finally they bloomed this past spring. I just wish the blooms lasted longer and the japanese beetles didn’t like them so much 🙂 Congrats on your wonderful block!!
Tiger lilys are my fav
I Love zinnias. Your block design is so unique, I think it would make a lovely table runner.
Favorite Flower….That’s a toss up between a Daisy and a Poppy. Very nice block.
My favorite flower is the Iris. we used to call them flags.
I love peonies. Have a small garden of them. thanks for the chance to win.