Hi Friends,
I promised to be back with information about the 2020 Surface Design Immersion Course so here you go!
I’m always asked about how I design fabric. The Surface Design course by Bonnie was the key for me. Illustrator, in particular, seemed impossible to learn until I took this course.
Sign ups are only open from February 18-25. This course is only offered once a year, so if you’ve dreamed about a career in fabric design or any other type of career that would sprout from your ideas for patterns making it from your head onto a computer screen in a format usable by partner companies this is the time to act.
The course covers all of these topics:
- Mastering Adobe Illustrator
- Creating repeating patterns
- Building collections
- Building a portfolio
- Choosing an industry for your work
- Making contacts
- Discovering and fine-tuning your style
- Understanding contracts, licenses and copyrights
- Propelling your career forward
- Building confidence as a designer
- Designing your brand
- Staying motivated and focused
Sound like a lot? It IS!!
The course is an investment but I viewed as the investment required to jump start my business. It was easily the best money I’ve spent.
You can sign up here.
Full disclosure: This is an affiliate link & I will receive a small commission if you do purchase the course. But your overall price isn’t impacted by this.
Feel free to ask my any questions. I look forward to seeing YOUR work in print someday soon.